Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shepherd and Tornados

As many of you know, we've had quite a few tornado scares this week.  We were in both storms that made the Joplin Tornado and the one that made the Oklahoma and Sedelia tornados.  Both times we had to hurry to our basements because the sirens were going off.  I've never been scared of thunderstorms but for some reason, I was shivering with fear when the sirens went off these times.  I think a lot of has to do with the fact that I now have 2 little ones to worry about and it's not just my life that I'm responsible for.  Thankfully we have a basement that we can escape to. Since tornado season has started, every time we have a thunderstorm, I always talk with Shepherd about what we do incase of a tornado.  I mostly just tell him we go downstairs and we may have to climb under some blankets. Both warnings, he did so well!

Today, we were talking about tornados and where is the safest place to be.  Here is some of the dialogue that we had.  It's really cute.

Me: Some people have to climb into their bathtub because it's safer.
Shep: What about a bathtub under the stairs?
ME: That would be safe!!
Shep:  We could put bathtub under the stairs.
ME: That would be really hard.  Bathtubs are really big and heavy.
Shep: What about our bathtub? Can we put it downstairs?
ME: What a great idea! But no, we couldn't, it's glued down.
Shep: Daddy could do it! He's strooong!

I just thought it was the cutest thing!!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Deke's new favorite thing is blowing raspberries.  He can do it for 5 minutes straight I swear!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baking with Mom

Shepherd and I enjoyed baking some cranberry muffins the other day while Deke took a long nap.  He really love helping in the kitchen.  Here's some pictures to share the experience with you guys.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Okay I've made a blog site to keep you guys connected to us and tell you all the things that the boys are up to without posting it all over the FB every second!!  I put a post on my other blog showing Deacon trying to crawl.  He's so close!!  Today Shepherd and I worked on baking.  So after lunch he kept asking for "muscles" and I couldn't figure out what the heck he was talking about until I figure out he meant muffins.  It was really funny.  For awhile he's been doing this thing where he sticks his finger in his mouth and then sticks a finger on top of his head and them makes wierd noises.  Scott and I couldn't not figure out what he was doing!!  Then today he was watching Veggie Tales and I discovered he was trying to be Larry the Cucumber playing the tuba, his finger in his mouth was the mouth piece and the finger on top of his head was tuba. I could really write all day about some of the things he does, he's at that age.  But I'll end it here, I have more baking to do. :)